Friday, March 4, 2011

The Happy Airplane

Once upon a time, there was an airplane.

A happy airplane.

And then, I took a picture of it.

An awesome picture.

Yup, pretty awesome.

(This photo has no watermark, so you can use it as your desktop if you want. Just leave a comment if you do!)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pictures in the Hail

So there was a hailstorm yesterday. I got me some photos:

A seedpod on the grass.

Hail on the grass.

Hail on a car.

Hail on a car-vent-thingy.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Santa Barbara Photos

Some cool pictures I took down in Santa Barbara last week:

Sunrise over the water looked amazing.

Abandoned boat on the beach. This was a lucky shot as a few hours later a crane came and took it away.

Here you can see the Santa Barbara Pier in the background. And that little red tugboat puttered around all day.

Some more tugboat shots. At least, I'm pretty sure it's a tugboat, but then again, I don't know a whole lot about boats. Maybe it's a fishing boat. If you know, sound off in the comments! I'd love at least one comment on this website :-D

Some views of the Pacific Ocean.

A nice, minimal shot of the beach.

Thanks for reading.